"Screen Screams" month continues with TC and Kim's look into the various incarnations of Frankenstein's Monster!

We look at classic Frankenstein from Universal, Hammer Studios' take on the character, and various other interpretations of both Dr Frankenstein and his monster.
Plus, this week's Cinema Subjects, our Bonehead of the Week, coverage of Dancing With The Stars and Attack Of The B Movies, an update on indie musician Steven Bacon, whom we mentioned a couple of weeks back, E-Mail, and our review of the indie comedy CHOKE starring Sam Rockwell!

Screen Screams continues with our monthly DOUBLE SHOT next weekend - Saturday October 18 get ready for "A VERY Spirited Show - Ghosts and Goblins In the Movies!" and Sunday, October 19, it's "Happiness Is A Warm...Werewolf!?! Lycanthropy In The Movies!"
Check out Steven Bacon and his music at http://stevenbacon.com - if you're a fan of singer/songwriters, trust me you will LOVE HIM - He's AWESOME!! He has posted audio of his adventure at the Swell Season concert, and also a free download of his song "Charlie Wants To Run", which he performed at the concert, on his website, so go grab them now!
VideoRevue is back...well, sort of! Monica and Johnny Swanson have launched "Weekly Revue" as a way to keep up with their podcast around their busy school and college schedules. You can hear the latest edition by heading on over to M&J's blog at http://videorevuepodcast.com!
There are some really exciting changes coming in the next few weeks...changes that will affect both the site and the podcast. The first change, as I mentioned on the podcast a couple weeks back, is the debut of our new Subject:CINEMA Audio Archives. This will include not only links to every show and the show notes for each show (eventually on that last one), but also specially remixed segments of our Movie Reviews, the Attack of The B Movies coverage, Chlotrudis and Brattle Theater events, and more. The grand opening of the SCAA is TOMORROW! The movie reviews will be available when we open, and the show library will hopefully be up later in the week.
Beginning tomorrow night, as I mentioned on the podcast, I will be in the Popcorn N Roses Connection chat room (http://popcornnroses.ning.com) on Monday and Tuesday evenings during ABC's telecast of Dancing With The Stars- that's 8-9:30 PM ET on Monday and 9-10 PM ET on Tuesday - for the reat of the show's season. I hope some of you will stop by, say hi, and maybe stick around and chat for a while! More regular chat times are coming soon, so stay tuned!
Other changes are coming soon, and you'll want to stay tuned right here at PNR, because we're going to be finally launching the Street Team site, and a few other things we hope you're gonna love. As PNR closes in on its fourth year of operations, we hope you'll be right here with us!
See you with more S:C next Saturday for our DoubleShot Weekend!