Welcome to our annual celebration of Halloween - it's time for SCREEN SCREAMS! This week, it's "I Want My Mummy!

Also on this edition of S:C, the latest Cinema Subjects news, A combo Big Brother/Bonehead Of The Week, your e-mail, and reviews of CIRQUE DU FREAK: THE VAMPIRE'S ASSISTANT, ASTROBOY, and GOOD HAIR!
Subject :CINEMA is brought to you by:
E-music , with over 3 million choices for great tunes - and by visiting http://emusic.com/cinema , you will get 35 FREE DOWNLOADS during your 14 day trial! Check it out today!
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CCS.COM , your source for all the best prices on skateboarding and snowboarding clothes and equipment! All the top name brands - Volcom, Burton, Vans, DC, and all the rest - we've got 'em all right here! And look at what ELSE we've got for you:
AFCINEMA - Free shipping on orders $30+
AFSUBCIN - 15% off orders $75 or more + Free Shipping
Welcome aboard as S:C's latest sponsor!

only have SIX MORE DAYS to enter! Tons of Still Green prizes -
Autographed DVDs, CD Soundtracks, Novelizations, and screenplays! And
stay tuned next Sunday for our exclusive interview with another Still
Green cast member, SONS OF ANARCHY's Sarah Jones!
Hey DANCING WITH THE STARS Fans! Be sure to check out Mirrorball Mayhem, Tuesdays 11PM for the latest coverage of the show, who did well, who sucks, who LenBob CrabbyPants is giving heck to, and who gets sent home! http://mirrorballmayhem.mevio.com! Or check out the full MM site at http://mirrorballmayhem.com! And Remember - Help us out, Vote for Louie Vito and Chelsea Hightower every week!
E-mail us at [email protected]
Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/popcornnroses
Vote for Subject:CINEMA on Podcast Alley at http://podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=40952
We hope you'll spread the word about Subject:CINEMA to your friends - we love having all the listeners we can get!
NEXT WEEK: It's ANOTHER Double Play weekend!
SUBJECT:CINEMA #195 - "SCREEN SCREAMS: Halloween Spookgate Party!"
share our Halloween memories (again!), and bring up all kinds of great
halloween tv specials, Halloween songs, and some great tips for YOUR
Halloween parties!
SUBJECT:CINEMA #196 - "Diamonds In The Rough IV!"
It's our annual Diamond show, with Kim and TC each spotlighting six
films you probably have never heard of that are worth tracking down and
watching! Our Diamonds show is annually one of the most popular SC
podcasts, so don't you dare miss it.
And coming soon - Subject:CINEMA will be 200 shows old...stay tuned for more details...
Remember, you can find the complete calendar of upcoming shows on our websites! Our BRAND NEW Google Calendar is available on our main site, and you can add us to your Google Calendar as well! And as always, even more complete show notes are available on our website at http://popcornnroses.com and http://subjectcinema.com !
Keep tuned in throughout the week at PNR for the latest news and
commentary, and we'll see you with another brand new edition of S:C
this Saturday!